Blog: Should You Invest In A Roth IRA Or A Roth TSP?

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Are you trying to save for retirement? 如果你是军人, or you are a federal government employee, then you have probably heard of a TSP. Both TSPs and IRAs come in Roth versions. 这意味着供款是税后的钱,退休后的提款是免税的. 如果你正试图决定你应该投资罗斯TSP还是罗斯个人退休账户, we are going to cover them both in detail below


罗斯节俭储蓄计划(TSP)是一项工作场所税收优惠退休计划. It is available to military and federal government employees. 这有点像联邦政府版的401(k)计划,大多数营利性公司都为员工提供这种计划.你的雇主、你自己或你们双方都可以定期向该计划缴款. It allows you to contribute after-tax income. While the contributions are not tax-deductible, all of your withdrawals during retirement will be tax-free.


罗斯个人退休账户是一种税收优惠的退休账户,你可以直接通过经纪公司开设. 这些捐款不能免税,但未来所有的提款都是免税的. 你必须在那一年有收入才能向罗斯个人退休账户缴款. 你的供款上限为每年入息的100%或每年供款限额的较低者. 你的年收入也必须低于一定水平才能供款. 您可以供款的确切金额将取决于您的税务申报状况和调整后的总收入(MAGI).

Is a Roth TSP the same as a Roth IRA?

罗斯TSP与罗斯个人退休账户类似,但有一些不同. We are going to outline the similarities and differences below.

Similarities between a Roth TSP and a Roth IRA?

  • 你存入罗斯TSP和罗斯个人退休账户的钱已经缴税了. This means that it doesn’t reduce your taxable income. 然而,这也意味着你再也不用为这些资金纳税了.
  • 您必须等到59岁半才能取款,否则您将受到10%的罚款.

Differences between a Roth TSP and a Roth IRA

  • 计划类型:
    • TSP是雇主赞助的退休计划,只适用于联邦政府雇员.
    • An IRA is an individual account. 这意味着任何有收入的人都可以通过经纪公司开设个人退休账户.
  • 贡献限制:
    • The contribution limit for a Roth TSP for 2023 is $22,500. 如果你50岁以上, you can contribute an additional $7,500 for a total employee contribution limit of $30,000. 如果你是在8月1日开始工作的联邦政府雇员, 2010年和9月30日, 到2020年,你会自动将3%的工资递延到你的TSP(税前TSP)中, 不是罗斯TSP). If you were hired after October 1, 2020, 自动供款金额为你工资的5%(税前TSP), 不是罗斯TSP).
    • The contribution limit for a Roth IRA for 2023 is $6,500. If you are 50 or older then you can contribute an additional $1,000 for a total contribution limit of $7,500. There are no automatic contributions. 你需要自己建立一个转账账户,以确保有资金进入你的罗斯个人退休账户.
  • 雇主贡献:
    • 如果你向罗斯退休计划缴款,那么你将收到雇主的缴款. 即使你没有向你的TSP缴款,你也会自动收到你工资的1%进入你的传统(而不是罗斯)TSP. In addition to the automatic 1% contribution, 您还将获得高达工资5%的全额/部分匹配捐款. The total employer contributions will not go above 5%.
    • There are no matching contributions for a Roth IRA. 进入罗斯个人退休账户的唯一一笔钱是你个人捐款.
  • 投资:
    • 如果你有罗斯TSP,那么你可以从五种不同的基金选择中选择. These are the G Fund, F Fund, C Fund, S, Fund, and I Fund. There is also the option for lifecycle funds. These are a diversified mix of the five individual funds. 该基金会在你接近退休选择时自动调整你的风险. 从2022年开始, 联邦雇员现在也可以通过TSP共同基金窗口投资各种共同基金.
    • 如果你有罗斯个人退休账户,那么你就有很多投资选择. 这些可能包括个人股票和债券、交易所交易基金、共同基金等等.
  • 贷款:
    • 如果你有罗斯储蓄计划,那么你就可以申请个人贷款,它可以用来买任何东西. This loan must be paid off within 5 years. There is also the option to borrow a residential loan, which must be used to build or buy a primary residence. This loan must be paid off within 15 years. 这些贷款只能用你自己的供款,而不能用雇主的供款.
    • If you have a Roth IRA then you cannot take out a loan.
  • 取款:
    你可以在任何时候取出你的罗斯个人退休账户供款,免税和免税. 对于罗斯TSP, 你必须等到59岁半才可以不受处罚地提取你的供款(和收入).
  • Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs):
    • Roth tsp也有rmd.美国国税局要求任何拥有罗斯退休计划的人在72岁、脱离联邦政府后开始领取退休金. 避免rmd的一种方法是在72岁之前将你的罗斯TSP资金转移到罗斯个人退休账户. 然而,安全法案2.0 might eliminate RMDs from Roth TSP.
    • There are no RMDs for Roth IRAs.

Should I roll over my Roth TSP to a Roth IRA?

如果你的年龄接近72岁,那么将你的罗斯TSP转入罗斯个人退休账户可能是有意义的. 然而, before you roll over your funds to a Roth IRA, 你应该考虑投资选择和费用是否符合你的退休目标. 你可能需要先和你的财务顾问讨论一下,以决定这是否是你的正确选择.

Is a Roth TSP or Roth IRA better?

There are benefits to investing in a Roth TSP or a Roth IRA. 罗斯TSP有更高的供款限额、自动供款和匹配供款. 然而,投资选择是有限的,目前你必须在72岁时接受rmd.

罗斯个人退休账户有很多投资选择,而且没有rmd. 然而, 他们有较低的供款限额和收入限额,这意味着不是每个人都可以供款. There are also no employer contributions. If you want to contribute to a Roth IRA, but your income is above the limit, then you could do a backdoor Roth IRA.

Can I contribute to both a Roth TSP and a Roth IRA?

是的, 只要你符合两种计划的资格要求,你就可以向罗斯TSP和罗斯个人退休账户都供款.


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